Nightwing Must Die! Finale! The Review!

This is the finale Nightwing fans have been waiting for, this is it! Artist Javier Fernandez and colorist Chris Sotomayor are at their peak! Writer Tim Seeley and team have created an amazing arc in Nightwing Must Die!
The organic storytelling and character development are quite amazing. Damian Wayne/Robin takes a logical journey toward maturity in his brotherly relationship with Dick Grayson/Nightwing. Speaking of relationships Dick and Shawn don’t become parents but I think that’s ok. Shawn’s reaction of wanting to be alone to paint strikes a realistic depiction of what happens when complex “good news” is received.
My only slight question was how Simon Hurt was dispatched rather quickly at the end of the story. I did enjoy how Hurt received a dose of his own medicine. So, was Hurt working for someone else at all? This character continues to leave mysteries in his wake.
When do we get the Nightwing & Robin book? I like DC’s current restraint in publishing. We can have Nightwing and Robin team up in the Batfamily books without having to have their own title.
The advantage of having Nightwing come out every two weeks is a large arc like this doesn’t take half a year to publish. I say keep going with these arcs if this is the caliber story we can expect to receive. Next month it’s back to Bludhaven and Blockbuster!
Five out of five stars for the finale!